About me

In over twenty years as an editor and teacher of writing, I’ve been proud to help writers find their voices and express their ideas, from first-grade poets to influential policy experts.

I’m a writer and independent editor in Brooklyn, NY, where I live with my husband (and Hold Fast to Dreams co-author) Josh Steckel, three kids, and two cats.

I have a BA in English from Yale University and an MA in fiction writing from Johns Hopkins University. I’ve taught writing at New York University, Johns Hopkins, and in New York City public schools. I write both fiction and nonfiction, and I’m currently working on a middle-grade novel.

Selected Publications

Hold Fast to Dreams

The New Press, 2015 (paperback), 2014 (hardcover), Studs and Ida Terkel Award winner; taught in high schools, colleges, and graduate programs across the U.S.

Gapping Through College

Chapter in Lifting the Veil on Enrollment Management: How a Powerful Industry is Limiting Social Mobility in American Higher Education, Edited by Stephen J. Burd. Harvard University Press, forthcoming May 2024.

The Crucial Role of College Counselors

The Atlantic, April 2, 2014. 

NYC Needs More College Counselors

City Limits, June 20, 2014.

Co-author for Policing White Supremacy

With Michael German, The New Press, forthcoming 2024.

Co-author for Hope, Not Fear: A Path to Jewish Renaissance

With Edgar M. Bronfman, St. Martin’s Press, 2008; paperback, 2010. 

The World at the Tip of a Brush: Teaching Chinese Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy

Essay in Third Mind: Creative Writing through Visual Art, Teachers and Writers, 2002.

The Small Stage

Short story in JANE magazine, 2000.